It is my passion to empower others to free themselves and live the life of their dreams.

as a coach
I went through my own radical transformation. I had my soul stripped bare and filled back up tenfold with love and new experiences. It started with a decision live life differently. I was not happy or fulfilled even though I was making choices that I thought you were supposed to make. My committment to be true to myself and live a life that was uniquely mine evolved into two years serving in the Peave Corps in rural Thailand, finding oppurtunities for deep connection & resilience and regular therapy throughout. This awestriking experience was followed by the equally jarring immediate COVID isolation and a whole new direction in my career and personal life.
At this time I was open and willing when I encountered an oppotunity to receive life coaching from a dear friend. This intensive 12 week period changed the light bulbs in my life. It changed EVERYTHING for me. What could have turned into a total reclusive, anxious-depressive spiral like it may have in my past, I felt empowered and decided the only way to move forward was to share what I've learned and continue learning with as many people as possible. The more people who understand their emotions, resolve their relationship with their mind, and start taking empowered action, the better the world will be. I truly believe this because my own world is wider, my relationships are deeper, my career is AWESOME and FULFILLING, and its only continuing to grow and blow my previous expectations out of the water. If only my little self could see me now, she'd be beaming.
I'm an attentitive listener and have a keen ablity to hold space for others to be fully authentic and vulnerable.
My main job as a coach is to create a safe, loving space to serve as a launching pad for you to take action on whatever you want to be seeing/doing more of in your life. Whether you are in a life transition, feeling stuck, thinking yourself in circles, or trying to support a child who is grappling with one of these pieces of being human, this coaching program will provide you with clarity and movement on your goals. Wherever you are on your path, I can boost your speed and provide you with tools that WILL help you in your current predicament and that you WILL apply for the rest of your life. I can't wait to see what's possible for you!
It's incredibly simple to get out of your own way. I have the tools to help you fill your toolbox. In practice it's a bit more challenging than that. I know, and I'm not a life coach because I'm perfect and I've figured it all out... Far from it. I'm a life coach because I empathize with humanity, and I have learned things that have made life immensely more full and enjoyable for myself. I want that for you, too. I've endured more pain and discomfort than in any other phase of my life, and I've navigated those emotions with courage, fluidity, and authenticity. It feels amazing! I want that for you, too. I'm in this for YOU d
I present this stuff clearly and simply. I am also able to differentiate to fit your lifestyle and learning style. I use a mix of modalities, influences and approaches, including:
- motivational interviewing
- habit change coaching
- curated research
- energy work
- yoga
- movement
- breathwork
- meditation
- accountability
- ongoing action steps
- many more as I am always
finding new inspiration
I have a unique ability to communicate about these serious topics with young people. I have recently transitions into working exclusively with kids, parents, and school staff members. My mission is to transform communities, and I'm passionate about the role of schools in this process. I believe by transforming school communities, we can transform the world. Kids are our future, and it takes a village to raise a child.

- I have a bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, fousing on Education in combination with Behavioral and Social Sciences, and a minor in Music.
- I have been an educator in different capacities for 8 years. I assisted at an outdoor education elementary school, I worked for a non-profit in our first elementary school site facilitating in-school and after school support programs, I taught English and led teacher workshops in rural Thailand, and now I teach Social and Emotional Learning for students in PreK - 8th grade in Steamboat Springs, CO.
- I served in the Peace Corps in Ranong, Thailand from January 2018 to February 2020.
- I've taught classes, workshops, camps, and teacher trainings on a wide range of topics such as emotional awareness and management, mindfulness, yoga, visualization, theater, dance, singing, self-care, college prep, english and many other subjects in schools and community spaces in Colorado, Thailand, and virtually.
- I've coached people between the ages of 4 and 68.
- I'm dual certified in Health and Life Coaching.

click the heart
to start your transformation

- I am an absolute nerd for growth and learning and the human brain. This isn't just my work, LOL I really love this stuff. I jump enthusiastically at opportunities to learn new things or practice a skill.
- I enjoy many things in life: singing, making art out of anything, gardening, dancing, cooking, outdoor activities, meeting new people, travel, yoga, meditation.
- I'm extremely playful. I think that's one of the reasons I get along well with kids.
- I speak Thai. I learned from zero to conversationally fluent in 6 months. Now working on Spanish! (previously believed I was not skilled at learning languages)
- I've taken opportunities to live abroad and travel, and I've done all of this alone.
- I made significant changes to improve the functioning of my body and brain, coming from being sick and in pain constantly, never being satisfied, and never feeling like I had enough or was enough in my early 20s, to a highly empowered, passionate, independent, kind, hard-working, silly, proudly imperfect, and successful business owner by 27.
- I have forgiven myself for my past.
- I repeatedly pursue the discomfort of personal growth. I accept it and seek it.
It is my true passion to empower others to free themselves and live the life of their dreams.
I can't wait to meet you!